4月22日是地球日,相信大家都已經或多或少聽到一些關於環保的議題,雖然個人力量有限,但是還是可以積沙成塔,以下參考Big Green Purse作者 Diane MacEachern的觀點。
1) Don't drive like a teenager
2) Don't use cleansers and personal care products that contain triclosan or other antibacterial agents.
3) Don't go shopping without a list!
這一點最實在了!不要盲目購物,只買你需要的! According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, people waste about 30% of their household food budgets buying groceries that eventually expire and have to be thrown out. 這一點我相信,有時候在超市看到有些顧客推了滿滿一整車的商品時都會覺得這到底要吃多久才吃得完。